How to output the solutions and retrieve some useful stats

Below describes some of the data structures output from scousepy and how to access some potentially important information, starting with the things that are probably most useful for most people (with some more involved stuff further down that can be safely ignored unless you really want to dig).

How to output the best-fitting solutions to an ascii table

Assuming you have completed all four stages of the fitting process, you can output the best-fitting solutions to an ascii table using the following commands

# import scousepy
from scousepy import scouse

# create pointers to input, output, data

# run scousepy
config_file=scouse.run_setup(filename, datadirectory, outputdir=outputdir)
s = scouse.stage_1(config=config_file, interactive=True)
s = scouse.stage_2(config=config_file)
s = scouse.stage_3(config=config_file)
s = scouse.stage_4(config=config_file, bitesize=False)

# output the ascii table
from import output_ascii_indiv
output_ascii_indiv(s, outputdir)

Note that in the above case, running the first four stages will simply load the relevant information which is stored in pickle files. I have set the keyword bitesize=False here to prevent scousepy from opening the stage 4 GUI. The final two lines will output the information to an ascii file.

Each row in the table corresponds to a single component. So any given pixel may have multiple rows in the table. The columns correspond to

  1. number of components at that pixel location

  2. x location (pixels)

  3. y location (pixels)

  4. amplitude

  5. amplitude uncertainty

  6. shift (centroid velocity)

  7. shift uncertainty

  8. width (dispersion not FWHM)

  9. width uncertainty

  10. rms

  11. standard deviation of the residual spectrum

  12. \(\chi^{2}\)

  13. number of degrees of freedom

  14. reduced \(\chi^{2}\)

  15. AIC

It is worth noting that a similar table will be output during stage 2. This describes the solutions to the spectra extracted from the SAAs.

How to retrieve some useful statistics regarding the fits

The scousepy.stats module offers some basic but informative statistics on the decomposition. We can compute the statistics using

# import scousepy
from scousepy import scouse

# create pointers to input, output, data

# run scousepy
config_file=scouse.run_setup(filename, datadirectory, outputdir=outputdir)
s = scouse.stage_1(config=config_file, interactive=True)
s = scouse.stage_2(config=config_file)
s = scouse.stage_3(config=config_file)
s = scouse.stage_4(config=config_file, bitesize=False)

# compute the statistics

The following information can then be accessed via the stats object

print("The total number of spectra in the cube is: ", stats.nspec)
print("The total number of spectral averaging areas is: ", stats.nsaa)
print("The total number of spectra contained within the SAA coverage is: ", stats.nspecsaa)
print("The total number of spectra with model solutions is: ", stats.nfits)
print("The total number of fitted components is: ", stats.ncomps)
print("The number of components per fit is: ", stats.ncompsperfit )
print("The total number of fits requiring multi-component models is: ", stats.nmultiple)

In addition, the user can obtain the distributions of some of the common parameters and goodness-of-fit statistics using

param_dict = stats.stats
saa_param_dict = stats.saastats

These will return dictionaries outlining the distribution of quantities such as the model parameters. Each statistic has an associated list that includes

  1. minimum value

  2. 25th percentile

  3. median

  4. 75th percentile

  5. maximum value

  6. mean value

In addition, stats.saastats includes some useful information about the SAA fitting. It gives the distribution of the SNR and alpha parameters, as well as the number of spectra that were fit manually (i.e. not using derivative spectroscopy).

(Advanced) How to work your way around the SAAs

The SAAs and their associated models are housed within a dictionary called saa_dict. It is indexed according to the number of levels of refinement in the SAA fitting. For most use cases, you may only use a single SAA size, and so the dictionary containing the SAAs can be accessed with mySAAdict=s.saa_dict[0].

Each SAA is represented as an object in this dictionary. Note that there is a SAA for every single SAA, even if that SAA was not fit (i.e. if it did not satisfy the masking criteria in stage 1). To get a list of SAAs that were fit you can use something like

myFittedSAAs=[mySAAdict[key] for key in mySAAdict.keys() if mySAAdict[key].to_be_fit]

Each SAA object contains information such as its pixel coordinates (saa.coordinates), the indices of the individual spectra included in its boundary (saa.indices), the spatially averaged spectrum extracted from those pixels (saa.spectrum), the measured rms (saa.rms), and the best-fitting model solution (saa.model)

for saa in myFittedSAAs:

(Advanced) How to work your way around the individual spectra

Similar to the SAAs, scousepy stores information on individual spectra in a dictionary called indiv_dict. The individual spectra objects contain a bunch of information that may be useful including the pixel coordinates (spec.coordinates), the index of that spectrum (spec.index), the measured rms (spec.rms). It also contains information regarding the parent SAA. The correct index for the SAA dictionary can be accessed (spec.saa_dict_index) and then the index of the parent saa can be found (spec.saaindex), such that the parent SAA can be accessed (s.saa_dict[spec.saa_dict_index][spec.saaindex]).

Further information regarding the fitting process can also be accessed here. The input guesses from the parent SAA spectrum can be accessed via spec.guesses_from_parent. If some of these guesses yield results that are incompatible with the tolerance levels supplied during stage 3 then scousepy will modify the input guesses. These can be accessed via spec.guesses_updated.

Finally, the models from the parent SAA(s) can be found in spec.models_from_parent, and the best-fitting model is located in spec.model

for key, spec in indiv_dict.items():
  print(spec.index, spec.coordinates)

(Advanced) A description of the scousepy model object

Each decomposed spectrum, SAA or individual, has an associated model. The model object contains lots of useful information regarding the model solution. The attributes include

fittype : string
    Model used during fitting (e.g. Gaussian)
parnames : list
    A list containing the parameter names in the model (corresponds to those
    used in pyspeckit)
ncomps : Number
    Number of components in the model solution
params : list
    The parameter estimates
errors : list
    The uncertainties on each measured parameter
rms : Number
    The measured rms value
residstd : Number
    The standard deviation of the residuals
chisq : Number
    The chi squared value
dof : Number
    The number of degrees of freedom
redchisq : Number
    The reduced chi squared value
AIC : Number
    The akaike information criterion
fitconverge : bool
    Indicates whether or not the fit has converged
method : String
  The method of decomposition (parent, dspec, manual, removed)