*********************** Installing ``scousepy`` *********************** Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``scousepy`` requires the following packages: * `Python `_ 3.x * `numpy `_ * `matplotlib `_ * `astropy `_ * `lmfit `_ * `tqdm `_ * `pyspeckit `_ >=0.1.21.dev2682 * `spectral_cube `_ >=0.4.4.dev1809 Please ensure that you are using the latest developer versions of both ``pyspeckit`` and ``spectral-cube`` (Github installation). Note that for interactive fitting with pyspeckit you may need to customise your matplotlib configuration. Namely, if you're using ``scousepy`` on a Mac you will most likely need to change your backend from 'macosx' to 'Qt5Agg' (or equiv.). You can find some information about how to do this `here `_ Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ To install the latest version of ``scousepy``, you can type:: git clone https://github.com/jdhenshaw/scousepy cd scousepy python setup.py install You may need to add the ``--user`` option to the last line if you do not have root access.